
In spite of the fact that the date on the Christmas list says the December 24th, I have posted the list to the site today.  You should be able to find a link to the list at least until Christmas Eve in the Don't Read bar on the left side of the home page.

I have gone to great lengths to provide a couple of places to shop for the items listed.  I am not quite done with the list, though.  I think I will need to add a few more things in the $1-$20 range to round things out.  Everything on the list is so expensive this year.

Anyway, the list is online (it has actually been there for a couple of days, but I haven't made a big deal of it) and ready, and now I'm going to prepare my mind for our trip to Johnstown this weekend.  I think I should visit Audible and get a new book today.  Maybe I can spend some time tomorrow setting my computer up again, and I'll be able to download the book and put it into the Digisette.  What a novel idea!  Heh!  Novel!

Be sure to check out the pictures that I posted yesterday.  There are some cool ones of Abby at the Renaissance Faire and at the orchard.